Sunday, April 22, 2018

Hiving Experiment Result

So reading around suggests the bees move out of the package in a few days. Leaving enough time to get out and move over to the queen on the frames. And not enough to start making burr comb in the package itself.

So in I went, on a Saturday evening as it was cooling down from the mid-sixties. Two a half days after we'd dropped the package in.

The result was about half the bees had gone to the queen on the frames. The rest were still hanging out in the package. Uh oh. Now I had to do the shake and dump anyway. Plus it was a little chilly so they were all sluggish and ended up not wanting to come out. Huge pain in the neck to shake them into the hive. And to get the rest to move off the ground and sides of the hive where they'd flown.
Result was easy to hiving, but then recovering the package was a pain. Next time, I'll do it straight away.

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