So much had happened since the 2nd swarm.
1) the equipment arrived from mann lake and brushy mountain.
2) the swarm hive was moved to the backyard
3) a few dozen forager bees were confused and were coming back to where the swarm rested for three days. I've hunted for the clump at night to move them over but with no success. I also tried adding leafy branches in front of both give entrances to force reorientation flights. Which worked and significantly reduced the confused foragers.
4) Hive check; both were full of bees. Saw both Queens. But no brood in either hive. I suspect they've not had mating flights as it has been chilly. Concerned the older hive is backfilling with nectar, will need to keep an eye on this. I checker boarder a little and dropped some frames with capped honey and empty cells for broad to the new hive. And some bees switched hives as they came along for the ride. I took the three the foundation free frames where the swarmed had started to build comb and used them for a honey super in the old hive.
The old hive now has a deep for broad, checked medium for brood, and then an excluder with a medium that has fresh foundation frames and foundation free comb frames on top.
The new hive has a screen ipm board, then the medium and some of the frames I added for the swarm checkered with fresh frames. On top is a second medium with fresh frames checkered with comb and capped cells from the old hive.